A few good men At what might have been OUB's last shareholders' meeting last Wednesday, both chairman Lee Hee Seng and vice-chairman and CEO Peter Seah cried openly. They did so because they had given their lives to the institution and made it - Asean's fourth-largest bank. LIKE He
paid for them. He
is that kind of a man. The
other board directors of the group took his cue and paid for the extra
copies that they needed. When
Mr Lee first joined the bank as chief general manager in 1974, after being
courted patiently but tenaciously for three years by founder Lien Ying
Chow, one of the first policies he laid down was that the bank would cease
the practice of recruiting relatives of its board members, management
and staff. For
every three new job vacancies, Mr Lee would fill two with the most suitable
candidates. The third would go to the best candidate from within the bank,
if there was one. Until
Mr Lee came on board, Overseas Union Bank was managed very much like a
family business, the way most of the small Chinese banks and businesses
at the time were run. But trust Mr Lien to recognise in the early 1970s
that the banking industry would grow more sophisticated and competitive. The
Government was forcing the pace. It revitalised the colonial Post Office
Savings Bank and set up the Development Bank of Suddenly,
the playing field for the small local banks was no longer cosy, and those
which did not see the change coming and could not rise up to the new challenges
perished. But not OUB. Mr
Lien was a visionary and resilient player. After all, this was a poor
Chinese immigrant who had built up a successful business, Wah Hin &
Co, before he turned 30. He founded Overseas Union Bank in the tumult
of World War II, in the then nationalist Chinese capital, When
the war was over, he moved the bank to Mr
Lee, then 47 years old, brought to the bank institutional practices which
he had picked up the hard way in the 20 years that he had slogged at the
Malaysia Building Society Berhad in Kuala Lumpur, rising through the ranks
from an accountant to become its director and general manager. He
returned to In
OUB, despite the initial period of staff resistance and work disruptions,
Mr Lee went about laying down the foundation of a professional institution,
and prepared it for the introduction of computer technology. In the second
year that he was there, he took the bank public. I
the late 1970s and early 1980s, he recruited top talents who had worked
in international banks. It was largely from this group of recruits that
today's core management team emerged, led by the charging, take-no-prisoners
vice-chairman and CEO Peter Seah. In 1995, Mr Lee became chairman of the OUB Group after Mr Lien retired at the age of 89. I
HAVE known Peter Seah since the days when he lived in a cramped
visited their home often. Victor
and I would go to nearby Peter
was in the first batch of business administration undergraduates at the
then Theirs
was a warm, noisy household, with everyone talking in his loudest voice
at the same time, and till today, I wonder how the siblings could study,
let alone concentrate, in that environment. My friend Victor is a GP,
much loved by his patients. Peter,
who will be 55 by the end of this month, joined OUB after cutting his
teeth at Citibank, where, at the age of 28, he was made the general manager
in charge of all the bank's branches and subsidiaries in At
OUB, he rose up the ranks quickly, moving from one division or subsidiary
to another, troubleshooting, re-engineering work processes, and launching
new products and businesses. He
was made the bank's president and CEO in 1991, after Mr Fock Siew Wah,
who had held the post for three years, quit when his contract expired.
Mr Fock, incidentally, is a director at DBS Bank, and is said in the market
to have played a key role in the latter's planned takeover bid of OUB. If
it was Mr Lee who made OUB a professional institution, then it was Peter
and his team who drove it hard in the 1990s to make it the fastest growing
bank in terms of profit growth among the Big Four Local Banks. In
1991, shareholders' funds of OUB Group were $926 million, and after-tax
profit was $90.7 million. Last year, the group's shareholders' funds were
$5.2 billion, and after-tax profit, $561.1 million. When Peter first took over the helm, market pundits were pronouncing that the bank was an easy takeover target and would not last long. MEETING THE CHALLENGE WELL, it is still around, and Peter has seen to it that if it is to be taken over, it will be a very expensive buy indeed. As
he told the press last Wednesday: ""The latest survey of the
top 1,000 banks in the world has ranked OUB at 119th. We are only a few
notches smaller than the other three banks... We are the fourth-largest
bank in Asean.'' In
1997, the Hongkong based, international, Chinese language, business weekly,
Yazhou Zhoukan, gave him the Business Achiever Award for SINCE
I was given the privilege of writing the bank's commemorative book in
1998, I got to see Mr Lee and Peter up close and in action, and to have
a measure of the two men. They are one generation apart, and if they do
not exactly love each other, they certainly make for an effective, complementary
pair, and are always united when it comes to the bank. They
have given their lives to the bank, so I can understand why they both
broke down at what might have been OUB's last shareholders' meeting on
Wednesday. |
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